Low-slope Roofing in Miami Springs

Almost half of this 1200 square foot low-slope roofing project in Miami Springs was over an exposed ceiling and required an enhanced tin cap nailing pattern per Code. Chalk lines were struck at the rafters and tin-capped with 1 ¼” roofing nails every 9”. The remaining field was then capped every six inches with ¾” nails. Roofers in other parts of the country marvel at the amount of fasteners we use down here and I must admit it sometimes seems a bit much but . . . hurricanes ……

Flat Roof In Miami, FL
Capping the rafters on open beam flat roof

The rest of this flat roof was fairly straightforward with two layers of Gafglas #75 and a Ruberoid Torch Granule cap.  Then, to satisfy the Class A Fire Rating requirement, the roof was painted with Karnak 97 aluminum roof coating. These coatings are extremely flammable, out of the can, so it baffles me a little how a fire rating is achieved by their application. A true white elastomeric coating is recommended within the first five years.

Flat Roof In Miami, FL.
Ruberoid roof in Miami,with open beam ceiling

Clay Tile Roof Tie-In

We do a lot of these flat additions tied in to tile roofs and have run into a rash of clay tile roofs lately. Usually we tear out two rows of tile in advance of the job and when all is finished we put back one row. So long as half the tile are saved there are enough to put back. This works out well as the original installers almost always run the first row too low anyway.

Flat Roof in Miami
Tying in flat roof to clay tile roof

These clay tile change profiles constantly from year to year so matching them is problematic. Many are discontinued and hard to find – expensive – so we save as many as possible. This all makes for a clean, professional look at the tie-in. All our low-slope roofing projects start with a 10-year warranty.

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